These 5 Best Tricks to Remove Ticks for Dogs can save you from any tick and flea problems in Future. Know more-
Have you ever had to remove ticks from your dog? Although enlarged ticks can be picked up easily but what about the tiny ticks that are hard to see from your very eyes? Ticks can cause a lot of problems like skin diseases, and it also effects in growth of your pet. So, it is important to keep your dog tick free. Today in this post, we are going to give you 5 best Tricks to ticks for dogs.
The fur of your pet is one of the best warm and comfort home for ticks and fleas to dwell in. They eat, live, and reproduce. As the our pets can not do much about it, these ticks thrive in their body.
These are the insects that cause health problems from minor allergic reactions to fatal tick-borne illnesses.
Ticks and fleas both are more active during hot warmer days season. But there are several steps you can take to prevent your pet from the illnesses.
How did my pet get fleas and ticks?
Do you remember the last time your pet was playing outdoor with other furry friends? Well fleas can jump from one pet to nearby pets. Female fleas are estimated to lay 40-50 eggs per day as per now. Which leads to infestation in just one to two days of being exposed to the infected canine or feline.
Fleas on human body
Fleas like to feed on human blood too.
They can easily get to your body, skin through the contact of any infected dog. Or may just travel through your bed or be it carpet.
To make your house unwelcoming for fleas and ticks, keep your yard and your house as dry as possible. Clean yourself and your surroundings as you step inside your house, if you have rugs and carpet vaccum clean them twice or atleast once a week, mopping your floor with pet friendly solutions to keep the fleas and ticke away from your pet.
Removal of ticks
- use a glove or paper to cover up your hand while removing the tick
- get a tweezer to pick up the tick without twisting or squeezing
- not to pop the bloated tick
Pull it by its head close to the skin gently.
Ticks are also dangerous to Human, How?

These deer and bloated ticke are dangerous to health of any mammals or human beings. As they can crawl to one person to other and infest. Generally they can be found anywhere else in the world. They are dangerous because they carry Lyme disease from your pets to people.
Lyme disease is one of the worst of all because it causes intense joint pain. Fever. And sometimes often cause fatal kidney diseases in canine.
Symptoms including-
- Loss of appetite
- Fever
- Lethargy
- Hard lymph nodes.
- Joint pain
Treating the infected mammal or the person is must. Immediate treatment can save the person from having live threatening conditions.
So make sure to keep your pet as well as yourself safe from getting infected by the insects

5 best tricks to remove ticks for dogs
Apart from these DIY tricks to remove these perasites from your pet, here are the 5 best tricks to remove ticks from dogs-
1. Flea comb
This is one of the best and easiest ways to find out if your pet has fleas or ticks. as pets has long and healthy fur it is next to impossible for us to find the insects with our bare hands. A flea comb is a specific type of comb that has fine tipped areas that helps to get away with ticks or fleas as we comb throughout your pet’s body, especially your pet’s neck region and the anterior section of the tail. These area might include dirt, and redness due to scratching leading to hair loss. These are the warning signs that the insects might be feeding themselves on your feline or canine.
2. Vaccines

Call your vet if you think your pet needs to get vaccinated to protect and fight against flea and tick related diseases. This are the type of vet flea injection that can be prescribed by your vet and is almost a low budget solution to get away with ticks and fleas, although it is administered every 6 months. The vaccine provides almost 100% immunity boost to fight against the diseases that fleas and tick carries and common parasites.
3. Shampoo

There are many availability in the market if you search for anti tick and flea shampoos. Usually these are not that long lasting and although any normal shower with luke warm water and dog soap will kill fleas even the dish washing soap , note that to use anti inflammatory agent to help sooth and heal the infected skin.
4. Oral Medicine
There are several medicines/ tablets that you can give your pet orally to prevent the flea and tick eggs to hatch.
Which can be given monthly as per your vet suggests. Although medicines like bravecto or nexgard are pretty convenient when it comes to tick removal but they do not prevent the tick from attaching to your pet.
5. Put on skin treatments
Nayflee is one the best medication that you can put on your dog skin
That will knock off the fleas in minutes
Note that some dog products can kill cats. So prefer going to your vet before you take any step.
Skin treatments can be safe if you use them correctly as directed by your physician. Most common mistakes are getting your cats dog products that can be harmful to your cat and can kill your cat. There are doses of medicine that may vary accordingly. So get your pet checked by your personal vet for safe and correct treatment by following the instructions given by your doctor.
Allergies due to Fleas
Skin rashes or skin disease in dogs and cats are mostly caused by flea biting while injecting it’s salive into the skin of your pet. This may lead to several allergic conditions from minor to major.
One of the most common signs that as a pet parent we see is the area infected by fleas have little to no hair followed by red patches (rashes) and scabs.
One of the frequently asked questions is that. Can tick-borne illnesses makes your pet anemic?
Yes, although it can be very rare but ticks do consume and live on your pet’s blood which eventually causes damaged red blood cells, if left untreated ticks may suck enough blood for your pet to suffer with anemia which is also known as (hemolytic anemia)
There are particular female fleas that leads to paralysed condition in your pet because of the toxins they inject while feeding on your pet’s blood.
Say no to ticks and fleas
Homemade treats are best for your dog bowel and happy stomach. To make double use of the treat, don’t forget to include yeast and garlic, the well known method of garlic smell repelling ticks is useful till date.
The good old – lemon, salt and vinegar spray is one of the useful remedies to get ticks removed.
Not to forget keeping your house clean and your pet, is a must for a healthy lifestyle.
FAQs – Tricks to Remove Ticks for Dogs
Q: What is the best way to remove ticks from my dog?
A: The best way to remove ticks from your dog is by using fine-tipped tweezers or a tick removal tool to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and pulling it out gently but firmly. Avoid twisting or jerking the tick, as this can cause the mouthparts to break off and remain embedded in the skin.
Q: Should I use my fingers to remove ticks from my dog?
A: It will be so much harder and frustrating to use fingers to remove ticks and fleas. They are very tiny and if you try to pull them out by pinching, your dog might get hurt. It is not recommended to use your fingers to remove ticks from your dog. Best method to remove manualy is by using a flea comb for fleas or a twizer for enlarged ticks.
Q: Can I use petroleum jelly, alcohol, or a hot match to remove ticks from my dog?
A: No, it is not advisable to use petroleum jelly, alcohol, or a hot match to remove ticks from your dog. These methods may cause the tick to panic and inject more disease-causing agents into your dog’s bloodstream. However, you can apply some coconut oil to reduce swealing or infection.
Q: Should I twist the tick while removing it?
A: No, twisting the tick while removing it is not recommended. Twisting can cause the tick’s mouthparts to break off and remain embedded in your dog’s skin, increasing the risk of infection. Instead, use a steady, upward motion to pull the tick straight out from the skin.
Q: What should I do after removing a tick from my dog?
A: After removing a tick from your dog, clean the affected area with an antiseptic solution and Apply some coconut oil. And i would say kill the tick as brutally as possible. Huh!
Q: Are there any preventive measures I can take to protect my dog from ticks?
A: Yes, you can take several preventive measures to protect your dog from ticks. We have several articles to guide our readers on ticks and fleas. You can read them and follow to prevent or get rid of these parasites.
Q: How often should I check my dog for ticks?
A: It is recommended to check your dog for ticks regularly, especially after outdoor activities in areas where ticks are prevalent.
Q: Can ticks transmit diseases to my dog?
A: Yes, ticks can transmit various diseases to dogs, including Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Q: Can I use home remedies to repel ticks from my dog?
A: Yes, i would say home remedies and a little extra care is enough to prevent ticks and fleas in the early stages. Here is a post where is explained everything on how to get rid of ticks at home-
Easily Get Rid of Fleas in Dogs without any Medicine
Final Words: Every pawparents face these kind of problems related to ticks and fleas. Ticks are the most common in dogs. I would say, if your dog has ticks then it is very important to act quick. You do not have to buy expensive medicines, or tools at the early stage. You can use the ticks to remove ticks for dogs mentioned in this blog.
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